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About the unit

My thoughts

The last of eight units, described as the Final Major Project, that shall decide my grade for the course and is to be a demonstration of my skills and ideas.

I feel that his unit is going to be much different than previous ones. I feel so as this unit has been described as quite scary unit that we can easily fail if we do not do our best and keep our reflective diary up to date. It might seem like it was the same for other units, however, the truth is... it is the same. To some point, at least;


All units required us to keep reflective diary up to date and to do our best. However, those units were not so hollow - we are expected to work work the rest of year (approximately 10 weeks) on the 8th Unit, 3 days a week. Other units needed much less time both in weeks and weekdays and hours per day.


It makes this unit look much scarier than it might actually be.

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